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Parking and Traffic Management

We are a large school and it is not possible for every family to secure a car park close to the school at the start and the end of the day.

Walk or ride to school

We encourage students and families to walk, ride or scoot to school. We do not have a car parking bay for everyone, so if you do need to drive your child to school, please be patient and allow plenty of time.

There is a Children’s Crossing on Wright Road, near Marseille Gardens, that is in operation before and after school each day. This is the safe place to cross the road on Wright Road. Traffic and pedestrian’s must obey the Traffic Warden. You can download information about the Crossing here.

We have a “Walk to School Wednesday” where students who walk to school receive raffle tickets at the school gates between 8am and 8:15am. The Student Leaders hand these out and run a prize draw each term.

The school also observes the National Walk Safely to School Day, which is held in May each year.

Scooters and bikes are parked in the closed cages on Wright Road, or near the dental area of Jolley Avenue.

Dogs are not allowed on school grounds. If you are walking your dog to school, please have your children meet you outside the school gates.

For student security, the school gates are locked from 8:30am, and not opened until 2:15pm. Parents are unable to access the school grounds during these times. If you need to collect your child during the school day, you must go to the front office.  The front office staff will collect your child from class.  Parents are only on school site during the day if they are attending an event, a meeting, volunteering, or attending the School Dental Therapy Unit with their child. 

Driving to school

If you need to drive to school, then we encourage students to be dropped off and picked up at the Kiss n Drive area on Wright Road.  In this area, cars pull up, children exit on the left hand door of the vehicle, and walk themselves to/from class.  There is a deputy or principal on duty every morning from 8:10am to 8:25am and afternoon from 2:30pm to 2:45pm at the Kiss n Drive area.

Kindergarten and Pre-primary parents may utilise the Early Childhood carpark on Jolley Avenue. This is a short stay carpark, where parents should only park for a few minutes, whilst they drop/collect their child from class.

If parents want to stay longer than a few minutes, then there are a small number of car bays for parents and the public on Wright Road, Columbia Parkway, Jolley Avenue and Pleasant Avenue.

The staff car parks are for staff only.  Please do not use the entrances of these car parks for drop offs.  Please do not park on the footpaths - these are for our students and families walking and riding. 

The staff car park on Wright Road is available for pick ups and drop offs at OSH before 8am and after 3pm.

Further information can be found in our booklet Getting your child to and from Piara Waters Primary School

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and respect for the residents on the streets surrounding our school.  School pick up and drop off will never be perfect, but it is a safe and positive experience when we all work together.