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Science Showcase

Science Showcase

Join us this evening (Thursday, 14 November) and be marvelled at the science skills of our students.

The Year 6 students will showcase their Science Projects in the Undercover Area, Drama Room and Senior Science Room. 

In the Library, we will have a display of student work from Pre-primary to Year 6. Work displayed will include Science Talent Search Entries and Science Extension work. 

The P&C will be running a Sausage Sizzle and Bake Sale on the night.

If you can donate to the Bake Sale, please deliver it to the school canteen on the Thursday morning, or take it to the stall outside the library on the night.

There will also be an ice-cream van. 

The Showcase will take place from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.


Event Information

Event Date 14-11-2024 5:30 pm
Event End Date 14-11-2024 7:00 pm
Individual Price Free